17 | John Stuart Mill’s "On Liberty": Embracing HeresyPublished onOctober 7, 2019 ∘ ~18 mins ∘ ––– viewsphilosophycritical-analysisCritical Analysis of Mill's essay
8 | The New Testament at a GlancePublished onDecember 1, 2018 ∘ ~152 mins ∘ ––– viewsliteraturecritical-analysisA semi-exhaustive study guide for the New Testament
7 | Justification by Faith: The Letter to the HebrewsPublished onOctober 1, 2018 ∘ ~5 mins ∘ ––– viewsliteraturecritical-analysisHistorical critcisim
6 | Understanding the Christology of the Gospel of John: The Bread of LifePublished onSeptember 1, 2018 ∘ ~5 mins ∘ ––– viewsliteraturecritical-analysisHistorical critcisim of the Gospel according to John
4 | The Post-Revolutionary Literary RevolutionaryPublished onMarch 1, 2018 ∘ ~22 mins ∘ ––– viewsliteraturecritical-analysisCritical analysis of Naguib Mahfouz's novel 'The Thief and the Dogs'
1 | The Deafening Sound of LifePublished onMarch 1, 2017 ∘ ~14 mins ∘ ––– viewsliteraturecritical-analysisCritical analysis of William Faulkner's novel 'The Sound and the Fury'