De-bunking the bed

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Everything will cancel out, I promise.1

The Bunk Bed Conjecture, formulated in the early 80s, states that, for any graph GG, given an identical copy of it GG' that is connected to GG via some edges connecting the corresponding transverse vertices v,vv, v' of the two graphs: the probability that two vertices u,vGu, v \in G remain connected after each of the edges is retained or deleted probabilistically according to Bernoulli Bond Percolation is greater than or equal to the probability that some other path uvu \leftrightarrow v' exists which traverses both GG and GG'.

In this article, I take a look at a recent development in this corner of the graph theoretic academic circle, namely this paper2 titled The Bunkbed Conjecture is False by Gladkov, Pak, and Zimin, which relies heavily by the similarly recent findings in this paper3 by Lawrence Hollom called The bunkbed conjecture is not robust to generalisation.

Bernoulli Bond Percolation

For a graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E), each edge is independently retained with p[0,1]p \in [0, 1], or deleted with probability 1p1 - p.

Pp[uv]\mathbb P_p[u \leftrightarrow v] denotes the probability that u,vVu, v \in V remain connected after atrophy subject to pp.

A Bunkbed graph G^=(V^,E^)\widehat{G} = (\widehat{V}, \widehat{E}) is constructed by connecting a copy of some graph GG, denoted GG' to itself by some "bunkbed" posts marked TVT \subseteq V. By connecting all such transverse vertices tTt \in T, to their corresponding tTt' \in T', we obtain a subgraph of the product graph G×K2G \times K_2:

N.B. KnK_n is the komplett graph on nn vertices. If T=VT = V –that is _each vertex ought to be used as a transverse bunk post– then G^=G×K2\widehat G = G \times K_2.

So our bunkbed graph G^\widehat{G} is the union of both sets of vertices from GG and GG' together with the union of their edges, as well as the edges formed between their transverse vertices:

G^=(V^,E^)V^=VVE^=EET^\begin{aligned} \widehat{G} &= (\widehat{V}, \widehat{E}) \\ \widehat{V} &= V \cup V' \\ \widehat{E} &= E \cup E' \cup \widehat T \\ \end{aligned}

Additionally, note that the transverse edges of T^\widehat T are not generally subject to percolation (otherwise we wouldn't be able to say very much at all about the bunkbed conjecture). Unambiguously, we can write Ppbb[uv]\mathbb P_p^{bb}[u \leftrightarrow v] to denote probabilistic post-percolation connectivity on a bunkbed graph, but the superscript is often omitted when contextually obvious.

The Bunkbed Conjecture

Formally, the bunkbed conjecture is stated:

Ppbb[uv]Ppbb[uv]\mathbb P_p^{bb}[u \leftrightarrow v] \geq \mathbb P_p^{bb}[u \leftrightarrow v']

That is: it is always at least as likely that we can go from uu to vv or vice versa without needing to traverse up or down to the bunked copy GG'. For decades, though a general proof proved to be elusive, this seemed intuitively obvious.

Obvious to all except the skeptical authors of this paper, one of whom posed the question in a philosophical blogpost about the field of mathematical disproof:

Why look for a counterexample if the conjecture is so obviously true? Well, because you always should. For any conjecture. Especially if everyone else is so sure, as in completely absolutely sure without a doubt, that the conjecture is true. What if they are all wrong?4

Let's take a look at why this conjecture is apparently so obvious. Recycling the example graph GG from before, and labeling two of the vertices uu and vv

we can consider all 242^4 possible atrophied states after bond percolation (4 edges with two states each: retained/deleted) and observe that in only 5 of those 16 states does there remain a path from uvu \leftrightarrow v:


P1/2[uv]=516\mathbb P_{1/2}[u \leftrightarrow v] = \frac{5}{16}

In the minimally non-trivial toy example with a singular bottlenecking transverse post, the ~intuition of the Bunk Bed Conjecture finds its footing:

In order to make it down/up from GG to GG' a path must first exist from uu to the transverse vertex tt. Then, there must be an additionally connected component from tt' to vv'. Occam's razor dictates that this (the product of two probabilities rather than one) should generally be less likely. Referring to the above table, we again see that there are 5 percolated configurations where there exists a path from utu \leftrightarrow t and even more configurations with residual paths from tvt' \leftrightarrow v'. Nevertheless, combining these two outcomes produces a strictly less-likely outcome than just relying on paths entirely contained within GG.

P1/2[uv]P1/2[uv]P1/2[ut]P1/2[tv]51651658\begin{aligned} \mathbb P_{1/2}[u \leftrightarrow v] &\geq \mathbb P_{1/2}[u \leftrightarrow v'] \\ &\geq \mathbb P_{1/2}[u \leftrightarrow t] \cdot \mathbb P_{1/2}[t' \leftrightarrow v'] \\ \\ \frac{5}{16} &\geq \frac{5}{16} \frac{5}{8} \end{aligned}

The delta between the two probabilities P1/2[uv]P1/2[uv]\mathbb P_{1/2}[u \leftrightarrow v] - \mathbb P_{1/2}[u \leftrightarrow v'] in the counter example graph that the authors discovered is less than 104332-10^{4332} which is well within the margin of computational error for non-arbitrary precision floating point numbers, let alone the monte-carlo sampling technique they used, so we can see how finding such a counter example proof –even with sophisticated pruning of the search space– would be akin to finding a needle in a ball pit.

Hollom's Hypergraph

The main theorem presented in Gladkov, Pak, and Zimin's paper is a specific counterexample disproving the BBC. The counterexample is a finite, planar connected graph comprised of 7,222 vertices, 14,442 edges, where three of the vertices are selected to be transverse.

The proof relies on a reverse-engineered construction on a hypergraph which is a higher-dimensional graph where vertices are connected by faces rather than mere edges. A hypergraph is said to be uniform or nn-uniform if all of the hyperedge faces have the same number of edges (nn). A path on a hypergraph is a sequence of vertices (vl,vm,vn,...)(v_l, v_m, v_n, ...) where any two vertices in the path vi,vjv_i, v_j lie on the same hyperedge.

Around the same time that Gladkov, Pak, and Zimin started working on disproving the Bunkbed Conjecture via brute force... (though we know that Pak has had this conjecture on his hit list for at least 4 years,5 Hollom was exploring the generalizability of various graph theoretic conjectures to hypergraphs. Back in June, he proved that the BBC does not hold for hypergraphs, presenting the following counter example:

Let HH be a finite connected hypergraph on the set of vertices VV, Pp[uv]\mathbb P_p[u \leftrightarrow v] be the probability of connectivity between u,vVu,v \in V after hypergraph percolation, where a hyperedge eHe \in H is retained with probability pp and deleted according to 1p1-p.

To build the hyper bunkbed graph, we select some TVT \subseteq V to be the set of transverse vertices connecting HH and HH' to form H^\widehat H. Hollom considers a slightly nuanced version of the BBC called the alternate BBC in which an edge eHe \in H is retained iff the mirrored eHe' \in H' is deleted and vice versa according to p=1/2p = 1/2. Without loss of generality, counterexamples to the alternate BBC hold for the general BBC since the former focuses on a subset of graphs whose behavior is described by the latter BBC as well).

For the specific graph presented above with six 33-edges, Hollom shows that for

T={u2,u7,u9}T = \{ u_2, u_7, u_9\}

we have

Palt[u1u10]>Palt[u1u10]1364>1264\begin{aligned} \mathbb P^{\text{alt}} [u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}'] &\gt \mathbb P^{\text{alt}} [u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}] \\\\ \frac{13}{64} &\gt \frac{12}{64} \end{aligned}

for 262^6 atrophied configurations, 13 of the 64 residual graphs contain paths from u1u10u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}' whereas only 12 contain contain direct paths from u1u10u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}.

Gladkov et al took Hollom's result and used it to prove –in a sick monke-brained way– a robust proof of their non-hyper counterexample. This is the kind of mathematical reasoning that sounds like "there's no way this should work, but it does," and I love it.

Harris-Kleitman Inequality

In order to better quantify hyper graph percolation behavior, Gladkov et al leverage an existing model developed by Wierman and Kiff4 which proceeds as follows.

For any hypergraph edge e={a,b,c}e = \{ a, b, c \} , where aTa \in T is a transverse vertex, there are four possible probabilistic outcomes:

  • pabcp_{abc} all three vertices are in the same connected component,
  • pabcp_{a|b|c} none of the three vertices are in the same connected component,
  • pabcp_{a|bc} just the non-transversal vertices remain connected,
  • and pabc=pacbp_{ab|c} = p_{ac|b} that the transversal vertex remains connected to exactly one of the other vertices.

Each of these outcomes is chosen independently of other hyperedges, and because these five outcomes enumerate all possible outcomes, we know that they sum to 1 as well:

pabc+pabc+pabc+pabc+pacb=1p_{abc} + p_{a|b|c} + p_{a|bc} + p_{ab|c} + p_{ac|b} = 1

For the hypergraph HH, introduced above, with T={u2,u7,u9}T = \{u_2, u_7, u_9 \} being the set of transverse vertices, adhering to WZ-percolation described above, if the connection probabilities satisfy

400pabcpabcpabcpabc400p_{a|bc} \le p_{abc}p_{a|b|c} - p_{ab|c}

then, as a consequence of Harris-Kleitman inequality, we also get:

Pwz[u1u10]<Pwz[u1u10]\mathbb P^{\text{wz}}[u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}] < \mathbb P^{\text{wz}}[u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}']

"Woah woah woah," you might be saying "what the hell is even that?". In the context of graphs the Harris-Kleitman inequality states that for any two events that become more likely as additional edges are added to a graph (such as hyperedge connectivity pabcp_{abc} or dis-connectivity pabcp_{a|b|c}), the probability that both events occur together is greater than or equal to the product of their individual probabilities.

Stated more comprehensively in a separate paper6 by Gladkov (with foreshadowing acknowledgements to Pak and Zimin as well), for a set of edges V={1,2,...,n}V = \{1,2, ..., n\}, with a set of edges EE independently weighted by peE(0,1)p_{e\in E} \in (0, 1), we form a graph GG and attain a spanning supgraph HGH \subseteq G with probability

eHpee∉H(1pe)\prod_{e\in H} p_e \prod_{e \not\in H} (1 - p_e)

Using the same WZ-percolation notation above, the Harris-Kleitman inequality w.r.t. Bernoulli graph percolation states that:

p123p132+p123p123+p132p123p123p123\begin{aligned} p_{12|3}p_{13|2} + p_{12|3}p_{1|23} + p_{13|2}p_{1|23} &\le p_{123} p_{1|2|3} \\ \end{aligned}

Rearranging some terms and dropping the superfluous p123p123p_{12|3}p_{1|23} term which is impossible to achieve on a hypergraph we arrive at:

p132p123p123p123p123p132\begin{aligned} p_{13|2}p_{1|23} &\le p_{123} p_{1|2|3} - p_{12|3}p_{13|2} \\ \end{aligned}

indicating that p132pabcp_{13|2} \equiv p_{ab|c} needs to be increased by three orders of magnitude in order to satisfy the WZ-percolation constraint. But how would we go about juicing a probability pe[0,1]p_{e} \in [0,1] to 400400? Well, one way to do it would be to add 400 copies of each vertex pair of the form pabcp_{ab|c}...

Put the Womack on 'em

Leveraging the symmetries and asymmetries within Hollom's hypergraph subject to WZ-percolation, the authors of the general BBC disproof show that for n3n \ge 3, p[0,1]p \in [0, 1], a graph GnG_n on n+1n+1 vertices (resembling the following biblically accurate gadget graph) with vertices b=v1b = v_1 and c=vnc = v_n, the following relationship is true:

pabcpabcpabcpacb>(n1p1+p1)pabcp_{abc}p_{a|b|c} - p_{ab|c}p_{ac|b} \gt \Big(n\frac{1 - p}{1 + p} -1 \Big)p_{a|bc}


pabc=Pp[abc],pabc=Pp[a↮bc],pabc=Pp[ab↮c],pacb=Pp[ac↮b],pabc=Pp[a↮b↮c↮a].\begin{aligned} p_{abc} &= \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow b \leftrightarrow c], \\ p_{a|bc} &= \mathbb P_p[a \not\leftrightarrow b \leftrightarrow c], \\ p_{ab|c} &= \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow b \not\leftrightarrow c], \\ p_{ac|b} &= \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow c \not\leftrightarrow b], \\ p_{a|b|c} &= \mathbb P_p[a \not\leftrightarrow b \not\leftrightarrow c \not\leftrightarrow a].\\ \end{aligned}

To apply Hollom's result to the non-hyper instance of the BBC, the authors fix p=1/2,p=1/2, and n=3401+1n= 3 \cdot 401 + 1 yielding a gadget graph G1204G_{1204} with 2407 edges which they insert into Hollom's graph, replacing each hyperedge with a copy of GnG_n constructed above, where aGna\in G_n is the transversal vertex from T={u2,u7,u9}T = \{u_2, u_7, u_9\}, and b,cb,c are simply the other two vertices.

For example, here aa maps to u2u_2, v1v_1 to u4u_4, and vnv_n to u5u_5. We repeat for the other five 3-edges of HH.

The resulting graph is still planar, but with far higher "resolution" if you will, with 10+61202=722210 + 6 \cdot 1202 = 7222 vertices, and 624076 \cdot 2407 edges. This triangulated version of HH, once bunk'd, satisfies:

Pwz[u1u10]>Pwz[u1u10]\begin{aligned} \mathbb P^{\text{wz}} [u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}'] &\gt \mathbb P^{\text{wz}} [u_1 \leftrightarrow u_{10}] \\ \end{aligned}

even if only by the tiniest proportion. The reason this works is that for each Pp[avk]\mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow v_k], we have 1202 "chances" to connect via a retained edge.

Go-go gadget GnG_n

The proof follows neatly from three recurrence relations on the spoke gadget.


Pp[avn]=1p2n1+p\begin{aligned} \mathbb P_p [a \leftrightarrow v_n] = \frac{1 - p^{2n}}{1 + p} \end{aligned}

There are two cases to consider for pn=Pn[avn]p_n = \mathbb P_n[a \leftrightarrow v_n]:

Case 1: e=(a,vn)e = (a, v_n) is retained, which occurs with probability 1p1-p, leaving aa directly connected to vnv_n:

Case 2: e=(a,vn)\color{red}e\color{black} = (a, v_n) is deleted, which occurs with probability pp, so vnv_n is only (maybe) connected to aa via e=(vn1,vn)\color{green}e'\color{black} = (v_{n-1}, v_n) which is, in turn, retained with probability pp. If ee' is a casualty of percolation, then vnv_n is unreachable from aa, otherwise the probability that aa and vn1v_{n-1} are in the same connected component is recursively given by pn1\color{blue}p_{n-1}\color{black}, so the complete term is p(¬e)p(e)pn1=p2pn1p(\lnot \color{red}e\color{black})p( \color{green}e'\color{black})\color{blue}p_{n-1}\color{black} = p^2p_{n-1} .

Combining the probabilities of these two cases together we get:

pn=(1p)+p2pn1\begin{aligned} p_n &= (1 - p) + p^2p_{n-1} \end{aligned}

And with the base case of p0=0p_0 =0, we can derive the formula in the claim:

p0=0p1=(1p)p2=(1p)(1+p2)p3=(1p)(1+p2+p4)pn=(1p)k=0n1p2k=(1p)1p2n1p2=(1p)1p2n(1+p)(1p)Pp[avn]=1p2n1+p\begin{aligned} p_0 &= 0 \\ p_1 &= (1-p) \\ p_2 &= (1-p)(1 + p^2) \\ p_3 &= (1-p)(1 + p^2 + p^4) \\ p_n &= (1-p)\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} p^{2k} \\ &= (1-p)\frac{1-p^{2n}}{1-p^2} \\ &= (1-p)\frac{1-p^{2n}}{(1+p)(1-p)} \\ \mathbb P_p [a \leftrightarrow v_n] &= \frac{1-p^{2n}}{1+p} \end{aligned}

Applying this lemma to a path traversing each of the three sentinel vertices of hyper edge, we have the additional claim that:

Pp[av1vn]=1p2n(1+p)2+n(1p)p2n11+p\begin{aligned} \mathbb P_p [a \leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n] &= \frac{1-p^{2n}}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{n(1-p)p^{2n-1}}{1 + p} \end{aligned}

To derive this decidedly chunkier recurrence we consider now four cases on pn=Pp[av1vn]p_n = \mathbb P_p [a \leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n], faceting on the percolation of two edges (a,v1)(a, v_1) and (a,vn)(a, v_n):

case 1: (a,v1)(a, v_1) and (a,vn)(a, v_n) are both retained with probabilities 1p1-p, such that aa is directly connected to both v1,vnv_1, v_n for a composite probability of (1p)2(1-p)^2.

case 2: e=(a,vn)\color{red}e\color{black} = (a, v_n) is deleted with probability pp, leaving vnv_n to be connected to the rest of the graph only by e=(vn1,vn)\color{green}e'\color{black} = (v_{n-1}, v_n), which itself is retained with probability pp, which –as established above– means vnv_n is still reachable from aa with probability p2pn1p^2p_{n-1}.

case 3: e=(a,v1)\color{red}e\color{black} = (a, v_1) is deleted with probability pp, same as above from the opposite direction: p2pn1p^2p_{n-1}.

case 4: e1=(a,v1)\color{red}e_1\color{black} = (a, v_1) and en=(a,vn)\color{red}e_n\color{black} = (a, v_n) are both deleted with probabilities pp. In order for aa to still reach both v1v_1 and vnv_n, then the edges e1=(v1,v2)\color{green}e_1'\color{black} = (v_1, v_2) and en=(vn1,vn)\color{green}e_n'\color{black} = (v_{n-1}, v_n) must be retained with probabilities pp, and we apply the recurrence relation inwards from both directions to determine if a,v2,...,vn1a, v_2, ..., v_{n-1} are in the same connected component, yielding: p4pn2p^4p_{n-2}.

Again, combining all terms we get:

pn=(1p)2+2p2pn1p4pn2\begin{aligned} p_n &= (1-p)^2 + 2p^2p_{n-1} - p^4p_{n-2} \\ \end{aligned}

which, with the initial conditions of p0=0p_0 = 0, and p1=1pp_1 = 1 - p and an inductive proof (painfully omitted by the authors, damn you) yields the formulae .

Solving linear recurrences is a standard technique. Usually one goes by finding the characteristic polynomial of the recurrent relation and its roots known as characteristic roots of the recurrence. The next step depends on whether the roots are different or not.

Here we are in this case and the roots coincide. So one just needs to guess the constants (1-p)/(1+p) and -1.7

Now, I'm not sure what strain of combinatorial analysis paq Nikita was smoking to derive the desired equation of:

Pp[av1vn]=1p2n(1+p)2+n(1p)p2n11+p\begin{aligned} \mathbb P_p [a \leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n] &= \frac{1-p^{2n}}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{n(1-p)p^{2n-1}}{1 + p} \end{aligned}

but we can verify that it's true via the technique he courteously shared with me. First, we verify the base cases.

For n=0    p0=0n = 0 \implies p_0 =0, we have:

1p0(1+p)2+(0)(1p)p01+p=11(1+p)2+0=0\begin{aligned} \frac{1-p^0}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{(0)(1-p)p^0}{1+p} = \frac{1-1}{(1+p)^2} + 0 = 0 \end{aligned}

For n=1    p1=1pn = 1 \implies p_1 = 1-p, we have:

1p2(1+p)2+(1)(1p)p11+p=1p2(1+p)2+(1p)p1+p=1p2(1+p)2+(1p)p(1+p)(1+p)(1+p)=(1p2)+(1p)p(1+p)(1+p)2=(1p2)+(pp2)(1+p)(1+p)2=1p2+p+p2p2p3(1+p)2=1+pp2p3(1+p)2=(1p)(1+p)2(1+p)2=1p\begin{aligned} \frac{1-p^2}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{(1)(1-p)p^1}{1+p} &= \frac{1-p^2}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{(1-p)p}{1+p} \\ \\ &= \frac{1-p^2}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{(1-p)p(1+p)}{(1+p)(1+p)} \\ \\ &= \frac{(1-p^2) + (1-p)p(1+p)}{(1+p)^2} \\ \\ &= \frac{(1-p^2) + (p-p^2)(1+p)}{(1+p)^2} \\ \\ &= \frac{1-p^2 + p + p^2 -p^2 -p^3}{(1+p)^2} \\ \\ &= \frac{1+ p -p^2 -p^3}{(1+p)^2} \\ \\ &= \frac{(1 - p)(1+p)^2}{(1+p)^2} \\ \\ &= 1 - p %% %%&= \frac{1-p^2 + p-p^2}{(1+p)^2} \\ \\ %% %%&= \frac{1 + p -2p^2}{(1+p)^2} \\ \\ \end{aligned}

which also checks out. Next we examine the characteristic polynomial of pn=(1p)2+2p2pn1p4pn2p_n = (1-p)^2 + 2p^2p_{n-1} - p^4p_{n-2} which has the form:

pn=Apn1+Bpn2+Cp_n = Ap_{n-1} + Bp_{n-2} + C

We rewrite pnp_n in the standard form as:

pn2p2pn1+p4pn2=(1p)2p_n - 2p^2p_{n-1} + p^4p_{n-2} = (1-p)^2

ignoring the constant (1p)2(1-p)^2 and substitute pn=rnp_n = r^n to the homogenous residual equation:

rn2p2rn1+p4rn2=0r^n - 2p^2r^{n-1} + p^4r^{n-2} = 0

yielding the roots:

r1=1p1+p,r2=1r_1 = \frac{1-p}{1+p},\quad r_2 = -1

giving us a general solution of the form:

pn=A(1p1+p)n+B(1)np_n = A\Big( \frac{1-p}{1+p}\Big)^n + B(-1)^n

And, substituting our initial conditions of p0=0,p1=1pp_0 =0, p_1 = 1-p back into this general solution, we can solve for AA and BB to arrest the recurrence:

pn=1p22(1p1+p)n1p22(1)np_n = \frac{1-p^2}{2}\Big( \frac{1-p}{1+p}\Big)^n -\frac{1-p^2}{2}(-1)^n

which, through some tedious binomial expansions, simplifies to the desired form:

Pp[av1vn]=1p2n(1+p)2+n(1p)p2n11+p\begin{aligned} \mathbb P_p [a \leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n] &= \frac{1-p^{2n}}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{n(1-p)p^{2n-1}}{1 + p} \end{aligned}

And finally, in the case where the transverse vertex aa is not connected to v1v_1, but v1v_1 is connected to vnv_n:

Pp[a↮v1vn]=p2n1\mathbb P_p[a \not\leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n] = p^{2n-1}

we multiply the weights of the path connecting v1vnv_1 \leftrightarrow v_n yielding pn1p^{n-1} combined with the probability that aa is not connected to this path (implying that all edges of the form (a,vk)(a, v_k) are deleted which happens with probability pnp^n) yielding p2n1p^{2n-1}.

leveraging a relation identified by [Gla24]:

pabcpacb=pabc2pabcpabcp_{ab|c}p_{ac|b} = p^2_{ab|c} \le p_{abc}p_{a|b|c}

Finally, we can leverage all these formulae in the notation of hyperedge connectivity to show that:

pabcpabcpacbpabc(n1p1+p1)p2n1\begin{aligned} p_{abc}p_{a|b|c} - p_{ac|b}p_{ab|c} &\ge \Big(n\frac{1-p}{1+p} -1\Big)p^{2n-1} \end{aligned}

We have equations for:

  • pabc:Pp[av1vn]p_{abc}: \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n]
  • pabc:Pp[av1]p_{ab|c}: \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow v_1]
  • pacb:Pp[avn]p_{ac|b}: \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow v_n]
  • pacb:Pp[a↮v1vn]p_{a|cb}: \mathbb P_p[a \not\leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n]

but none for pabcp_{a|b|c}, so we need to rewrite the left hand side of the equation in terms of the hyperedge probabilities that we do know. Additionally, I'll alias the hyperedge probability terms for readability as follows:

a=pabcb=pabcc=pabcd=pabce=pacb\begin{aligned} a &= p_{abc} \\ b &= p_{a|b|c} \\ c &= p_{a|bc} \\ d &= p_{ab|c} \\ e &= p_{ac|b} \\ \end{aligned}

and recall that

d=e1=a+b+c+d+eb=1ac2d\begin {aligned} d &= e \\ 1 &= a + b + c + d + e\\ b &= 1 - a -c - 2d \end {aligned}

So now we can homogenize the equation as follows:

pabcpabcpacbpabc=abed=abd2=a(1ac2d)d2=aa2ac2add2=a(a2+2ad+d2)ac=a(a+d)2ac=a(a+d)(a+e)acpabcpabcpacbpabc=pabc(pabc+pabc)(pabc+pacb)pabcpabc=Pp[av1vn]Pp[av1]Pp[avn]pabcpabc(1p2n(1+p)2+n(1p)p2n11+p)(1p2n1+p)2p2n1p2n(1p2n)(1+p)2+n(1p)p2n11+pp2n1(n(1p)1+p1)+p2n1\begin{aligned} p_{abc}p_{a|b|c} - p_{ac|b}p_{ab|c} &= ab - ed\\ &= ab - d^2 \\ &= a(1 - a - c - 2d) - d^2 \\ &= a - a^2 -ac - 2ad - d^2 \\ &= a - (a^2 + 2ad + d^2) -ac \\ &= a - (a+d)^2 -ac \\ &= a - (a+d)(a+e) -ac \\ p_{abc}p_{a|b|c} - p_{ac|b}p_{ab|c} &= p_{abc} - (p_{abc} + p_{ab|c})(p_{abc} + p_{ac|b}) - p_{abc}p_{a|bc} \\ \\ &= \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow v_1 \leftrightarrow v_n] - \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow v_1]\cdot \mathbb P_p[a \leftrightarrow v_n] - p_{abc}p_{a|bc} \\ &\ge \Big(\frac{1-p^{2n}}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{n(1-p)p^{2n-1}}{1+p} \Big) - \Big( \frac{1-p^{2n}}{1+p} \Big)^2 - p^{2n-1} \\ \\ &\ge \frac{p^{2n}(1-p^{2n})}{(1+p)^2} + \frac{n(1-p)p^{2n-1}}{1+p} - p^{2n-1} \\ \\ &\ge \Big(\frac{n(1-p)}{1+p} - 1 \Big) + p^{2n-1} \\ \end{aligned}

This result satisfies the same percolation condition which Hollom's hypergraph utilizes which is:

400pabcpabcpabcpabc2400 p_{a|bc} \le p_{abc}p_{a|b|c} - p^2_{ab|c}

So we know that the gadget produces the desired outcome.



  1. Nikita Gladkov, in an gracious email to me explaining a few of the fancier proofs left as "exercises for the reader." What a guy 🧘

  2. Nikita Gladkov, Igor Pak, and Aleksadr Zimin. "The Bunkbed Conjecture is False." arXiv, October 2024.

  3. Hollom, Lawrence, "The bunkbed conjecture is not robust to generalisation." arXiv, June 2024.

  4. Wierman, John C. and Robert M. Ziff, "Self-dual Planar Hypergraphs and Exact Bond Percolation Thresholds." The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, October 2010. 2

  5. Pak, Igor. "What if they are all wrong?" Igor Pak's blog, December 2020.

  6. Gladkov, Nikita. "A strong FKG inequality for multiple events." arXiv, May 2023.

  7. The full legal pad of scratch paper beside me indicates that I was never going to "just guess the coefficients," so once again I thank Nikita for helping me out here